The GUS Daily Digest Monday, 29 May 1995 Volume 22 : Number 027 Today's Topics: [none] [none] Sound processing, 48 kHz Win-95 without GUS? Replies to UW2 question and other stuff. SB16&GUS again...again... GUS Max's 48 khz recording -- can anyone tell? Re: Replies to UW2 question and other stuff. Re: The GUS Daily Digest V22 #26 Doom II stuck/repeating sounds. [none] [none] [none] Standard Info: - Meta-info about the GUS can be found at the end of the Digest. - Before you ask a question, please READ THE FAQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: owner-gus-general Date: Sun, 28 May 1995 00:20:48 -0700 Subject: [none] ------------------------------ From: owner-gus-general Date: Sun, 28 May 1995 01:25:11 -0700 Subject: [none] ------------------------------ From: Sam Date: Sun, 28 May 1995 10:13:38 +0100 (BST) Subject: Sound processing, 48 kHz > Subject: sound processing questions... > > 1. what is "flange" effect & what for it is used? Flange is a cool effect that, um, sort of pulsates. I don't know how it's produced. As far as I know it's used only as a special effect. > 2. same question about "reverb", any difference from "echo"? Usually, not really, but in crap computer programs, "echo" only makes 1 copy of the sound (& mixes in at lower volume with offset) and "reverb" makes lots of copies. Proper algorithms do slightly more complicated things than just copying and mixing anyway. > 3. where i can find formula: "hi-pass filter", "notch filter". Don't know, sorry. Try comp.dsp group, this could help although it's too technical for *me* to understand. The FAQ for it probably gives ftp sites for some useful textfiles. > For GUS Max users, can you tell the difference between a recorded sample > at 48 khz and one at 44.1 khz? I mean really, blindfolded test and all? > I figured CD quality is already 44.1 khz, and the human ear is deaf to Not a GUS MAX user, but I don't think you'll be able to tell. The point of higher frequency samples and playback is to match some cheaper DAT machines which used the 48kHz frequency, (and possibly some other equipment), rather than because it actually sounds better. The ADC on a GUSMAX is pretty cheap and nasty anyway, I've heard. TB boards have higher recording quality. (Of course, the main point of the higher frequency is just a "my board's better than yours" marketing ploy, but anyway...) By the way, is it the digest's fault that some messages come up twice, or the individual people who write them? I saw it happen a few times, would have put it down to Netscape double post, but NN doesn't do lists... Sam [] <[ Web pagE ]> *NEW* Sysex Manager ! [] [] For Software Forge program information and downloads [] Including [] [] NETRIS 1.1 best Tetris game <[ For Win 3.1 ]> Sysex Manager 1.0S [] ------------------------------ From: (Micro) Date: Sun, 28 May 1995 13:07:57 +0300 (UKD) Subject: Win-95 without GUS? Dear GUSERS, I got a copy of the Windows 95 Preview program CD, which now available for final test of the Win-95. Program itself very nice, a lot of services, even direct support of the PPP and SLIP protocols (under TCP/IP). It's multilingual, and you can work in your native language without any problem, as well, as prepare letter in say Ukrainian during work in American session. BUT, GUS is not included even in the list of sound devices, which Windows-95 AddNewHardware utilit shoud find in a computer. When it start to work, it show Adlib compitable (OPL-2) sound device, and that's all! There are many stupid other: Thunderboard, Aztech,etc, but NOT AT ALL Advanced Gravis. The company name is not included in the list of available joysticks also!!! When you are trying to load SBOS or LOADPATS from MS-DOS window, system halted. Only one way to work with this programm - reload in "Command promt only " mode. I thing, we have all together, start to bomb Microsoft Win-95 team and Adv.Gravis TO CHANGE THIS SITUATION. We have not a lot of time before Retail version of the WIN-95 will be ready. Microsoft FTP is WWW is MS developer solutions Phone-fax service is (206)635-2222 Bregards, Evgueni Lemberg ( Microsoft where do you want to go today?tm ...TO GUS!!! ------------------------------ From: (Matt Robinson) Date: Sun, 28 May 1995 13:37:53 GMT Subject: Replies to UW2 question and other stuff. > > While I hate 'industry standards' like the crap Creative Labs foists upon us, I > > would not hesitate to buy a CL card with an Interwave. Anybody notice the sh*t > > I *still* think it highly unlikely CL would use Interwave when they have > their own pet music hardware company to do chips for them! Does no-one agree? I think that Creative Labs would be stupid not to jump on the IW band-wagon, because it's cheaper and better than their AWE(ful) 32, and they'd be losing money if they ignored its capabilities. Heck, they might even add a few and sell it at a preposterous price (like they usually do =) > From: Gus-club > Date: 27 May 95 19:17:33 > Subject: sound processing questions... > > hi you all, sound processors.. > > i just wanted to ask some questions about sound effects: > 1. what is "flange" effect & what for it is used? Flange is also known as pitch change. Does that help? > 2. same question about "reverb", any difference from "echo"? > 3. where i can find formula: "hi-pass filter", "notch filter". I'm not sure I understand the question. You want to know HOW to code your own hi-pass filter, or d'you want a program that'll do it. GoldWave is the answer to the latter, I don't know about the former. > tipped you off. What I do suspect is that the driver does some nasty footwork > to trap MIDI calls or load patches or something, and Chicago doesn't like it. > Good thing it can be fooled. Yeah it can be fooled, but it doesn't work as well as it should, for example the "sticking" sounds that get caught in a continuous loop, or worse, the volume drops out half way through the file, buffer size helps but this slows down video drastically. Any ideas? An updated driver would be nice. > From: "Peter C. Chien Jr." > Date: Sat, 27 May 1995 11:15:25 -0700 (PDT) > Subject: GUS Max's 48 khz recording -- can anyone tell? > > For GUS Max users, can you tell the difference between a recorded sample > at 48 khz and one at 44.1 khz? I mean really, blindfolded test and all? > I figured CD quality is already 44.1 khz, and the human ear is deaf to > anything clearer. Just wondering because someone posted specs for the > AMD Interwave, but there wasn't anything mentioned about 48 khz sampling > capability. Well there IS one difference that's noticable, just look at the amount of disk space required for a 48kHz compared to 44kHz. =) Oh, VINCE!! Why does the digest randomly include some articles twice? I'm just dreading the day when someone reposts a previous digest and the listserver doubles it. > Now for a problem. I want to use the combo to play Ultima Underworld 2, > and they both will be detected Ok in setup, with the SB16 being an SBPro > and the GUS being GM using MegaEm. I want to have stereo effects, and The > GUS doing the music (which was even quite good on the SB but nothing > compared to the GUS). I can only ever get the GUS working for music. > Nothing else EVER works. Please can someone tell me how to get them all > working together. Make sure that you have disabled SB DAC in Mega-Em, then set up UW2 with SCC1 for music and SBPro for sound. Alternatively, try replacing the SCC1 .adv file and run ULTRAMID for native GUS music. I'm not sure that it'll work but it's worth a try. Matt - -- +-----------------------------------------------+------------------------------+ |Too young to read the fury in his uncle's eyes | * RAD HOST (Lion King) | |Simba tells Scar all he has learned that day - | * Ask me anything Lion King | | how he, not Scar, will become the Lion King. | related. | | | * FDCMuck Chaka! | | Sly Scar exacts a promise from the cub, | * GUS user | | a pledge that Simba will never venture near | * X-phile | |the forbidden place where elephants go to die. | | +-The Art of the Lion ------------------------------ From: (Emil Rakoczy) Date: Sun, 28 May 1995 14:36:06 +0100 Subject: SB16&GUS again...again... I've fixed the IDE problem now.(Been up all night) If anyone else has the same problem then here's the solution: You have to !enable! the secondary IDE on the EIDE controller(?????)(and of course disable the SB16-IDE). The everything should work just fine... But something else has come up:(. Ultrinit wont detect my GUS. Here are my settings. SET SOUND=C:\SB16 SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 T6 SET MIDI=SYNTH:1 MAP:E C:\SB16\DIAGNOSE /S C:\SB16\SB16SET /P /Q SET ULTRASND=240,7,7,7,9 My version of ultrinit is 2.31. I've also tried to startup without the SB-stuff, but it didn't help. Please help me out. I've been messin around with this for over a week now, and I'm pretty tired. EmilR(for the 3. time) ------------------------------ From: ("D. Hugh Redelmeier") Date: Sun, 28 May 1995 10:41:38 -0400 Subject: GUS Max's 48 khz recording -- can anyone tell? | From: "Peter C. Chien Jr." | | For GUS Max users, can you tell the difference between a recorded sample | at 48 khz and one at 44.1 khz? I mean really, blindfolded test and all? | I figured CD quality is already 44.1 khz, and the human ear is deaf to | anything clearer. I believe that 48khz is the sample rate for DAT (Digital Audio Tape) drives. These are frequently used for mastering. I imagine (but don't know) that it is nice to be generating PCM samples at the same rate that they are being consumed. It would potentially eliminate a lot of aliasing problems. This would be more convincing if there were digital inputs or outputs on the GUS Max. Hugh Redelmeier voice: +1 416 482-8253 PS: | From: Sam | I *still* think it highly unlikely CL would use Interwave when they have | their own pet music hardware company to do chips for them! Does no-one agree? I think the chances are very very slim. But funny things do happen: about ten years ago, Atari financed a small company founded by ex-employees called "Amiga". Commodore bought the company and produced the computer, much to the surprise and chagrin of Atari. It must be mentioned that Atari had just been bought by the ex-management of Commodore, who brought along an idea for a computer that became the ST. So each company's 16-bit machine was a successor of the others 8-bit machine! Atari sued Amiga or Commodore, but lost. ------------------------------ From: -Vince- Date: Sun, 28 May 1995 10:08:46 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: Replies to UW2 question and other stuff. On Sun, 28 May 1995, Matt Robinson wrote: > Oh, VINCE!! Why does the digest randomly include some articles twice? I'm just > dreading the day when someone reposts a previous digest and the listserver > doubles it. Oh, Matt! :) I think the answer is simple, some people don't pay attention to the Reply-To: header or the submissions address mentioned in the end of each digest... The submissions address is which is the GUS Daily Mailing List and the Digest is just all the posts of the mailing list. If you post to then it points to also. A few people seem to send messages going to both and also to so the message will appear twice in the digest since it counts as two posts. Hope this clarify things up. Have a nice weekend and Happy GUSing! Cheers, - -Vince- UCLA Physics/Electrical Engineering - SysAdmin bigbang.HIP.Berkeley.EDU GUS Mailing Lists Maintainer ------------------------------ From: David A Denis Date: Sun, 28 May 1995 15:20:40 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: The GUS Daily Digest V22 #26 > From: Gus-club > Date: 27 May 95 19:17:33 > Subject: sound processing questions... > > hi you all, sound processors.. > > i just wanted to ask some questions about sound effects: > 1. what is "flange" effect & what for it is used? >From the AMD Basics of Audio pamphlet: FLANGING or PHASE SHIFTING is an effect that results in time varying doubling and nulls in a sound and is generated by varying a delay in a signal and adding it to the original. Flanging has been described as what a "whirling speaker" might sound like. > 2. same question about "reverb", any difference from "echo"? REVERB is the simulation of a listening environment, a concert hall for example, by creating a delayed feedback path to duplicate the many reflections of sound that would occur in the listening environment. ECHO effect is exactly what you would expect -- a voice is delayed slightly to produce an echo of the voice. > 3. where i can find formula: "hi-pass filter", "notch filter". Can't help ya on this one, sorry. ******************************************************** *David* *UFC Homepage: * *The views expressed herein are mine and nobody else's * ******************************************************** ------------------------------ From: Jon Grieve <> Date: 28 May 95 15:19:23 EDT Subject: Doom II stuck/repeating sounds. You know how it is when you see many threads about a problem, but ignore them all - seeing as it doesn't effect you... Then, you suddenly get it, having changed very little... Well, Does anyone know how to loose the stuck/repeating sound in Doom II (dunno about Doom I). Alllll I did, was change my I/O controller, and suddenly I've got this ridiculous problem... Strange. Thanks, Jon - -- No sig, I'm afraid. This is CompuServe, and we're all too -- - -- mature and rich for that stuff... *grin* - -- ------------------------------ From: owner-gus-general Date: Sun, 28 May 1995 16:15:23 -0700 Subject: [none] ------------------------------ From: owner-gus-general Date: Sun, 28 May 1995 18:52:48 -0700 Subject: [none] ------------------------------ From: owner-gus-general Date: Sun, 28 May 1995 19:20:44 -0700 Subject: [none] ------------------------------ End of The GUS Daily Digest V22 #27 *********************************** To post to tomorrow's digest: To (un)subscribe or get help: To contact a human (last resort): FTP Sites Archive Directories --------- ------------------- Main N.American Site: pub/packages/gravis systems/ibmpc/ultrasound Main Asian Site: PC/ultrasound Main European Site: packages/ultrasound Main Australian Site: /ultrasound/general /ultrasound/submit South African Site: /pub/packages/ultrasound Submissions: pub/pc/ultrasound/submit Newly Validated Files: pub/pc/ultrasound Mirrors: mirror/ultrasound pc/ultrasound pub/msdos/ultrasound Gopher Sites Menu directory ------------ -------------- Main Site: packages/ultrasound WWW Pages --------- Main Site: Main European Site: Main Australian Site: Mirrors: GUS Digest Archives: MailServer For Archive Access: Email to Hints: - Get the FAQ from the FTP sites or the request server. - Mail to for info about other GUS related mailing lists (programmers, musicians, etc.).